Sea World - Jan 25 2009

Thanks to the housing market tanking, we got a small check back from our mortage escrow, and decided to do our part to help the ecomony; we spent it.

We got a good deal on a suite at a hotel in Orlando. The boys slept in a big bed, and the first words out of Ryan's mouth when he woke up was "I wanna see polar bears!"

Sea World!

Having fun on the merry-go-round

Polar Bear!

Kiddie roller coaster; despite the look on Gavin's face, he was very excited (just impatient)

"Daddy, itsa whale! its swimmin' in the whoa-tar!" (sic)

After a long day of seeing pengiuns, sharks, sea lions, polar bears, and various whales, they were asleep before we even left the parking lot