Happy Birthday Gavin & Ryan!
On Oct 18th, 2005, at 3:03 AM, proud parents Melissa and Burton welcomed Gavin Edward Windle into the world at Shands Hospital. Gavin and his idential brother were both delivered via c-section after almost 3 days of on-again-off-again contractions. Ryan Neal Windle was born at 3:06 AM. Gavin weighs 3 LB, 9 OZ, and Ryan tops the scales at 4 LB, 1 OZ. The babies spent only 33-weeks in Melissa's tummy, but both came out with a great set of lungs and were quite ready to scream about being woken up at 3 AM for their 0-year birthday party. They are both breathing on their own, and are doing great (as are new parents Melissa and Burton!).
Here they are, only about an hour old. Little Gavin's picture is on top, followed by Ryan.